Source code for maicos.modules.saxs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023 Authors and contributors
# (see the AUTHORS.rst file for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v3 or any higher version
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
r"""Module for computing Small Angle X-Ray scattering intensities."""

import logging
from typing import Optional

import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np

from ..core import AnalysisBase
from ..lib import tables
from ..lib.math import compute_form_factor, compute_structure_factor
from ..lib.util import render_docs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @render_docs class Saxs(AnalysisBase): r"""Small angle X-Ray scattering intensities (SAXS). By default the scattering vectors :math:`\boldsymbol{q}` are binned acording to their length :math:`q` using a bin width given by ``dq``. Setting the option ``bin_spectrum=False``, also the raw scattering vectors and their corresponding Miller indices can be saved. Saving the scattering vectors and Miller indices is only possible when the box vectors are constant in the whole trajectory (NVT) since for changing cells the same Miller indices correspond to different scattering vectors. Analyzed scattering vectors :math:`q` can be restricted by a minimal and maximal angle with the z-axis. For ``0`` and ``180``, all possible vectors are taken into account. To obtain the scattering intensities, the structure factor is normalized by an element-specific form factor based on Cromer-Mann parameters :footcite:t:`princeInternationalTablesCrystallography2004`. For an examples on the usage refer to :ref:`How-to: SAXS<howto-saxs>` and for details on the theory see :ref:`saxs-explanations`. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${BASE_CLASS_PARAMETERS} bin_spectrum : bool Bin the spectrum. If :py:obj:`False` Miller indices of q-vector are returned. Only works for NVT simulations. startq : float Starting q (1/Å) endq : float Ending q (1/Å) dq : float bin_width (1/Å) mintheta : float Minimal angle (°) between the q vectors and the z-axis. maxtheta : float Maximal angle (°) between the q vectors and the z-axis. ${OUTPUT_PARAMETER} Attributes ---------- results.q : numpy.ndarray length of binned q-vectors results.q_indices : numpy.ndarray Miller indices of q-vector (only if ``bin_spectrum==False``) results.scat_factor : numpy.ndarray Scattering intensities References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ def __init__( self, atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, unwrap: bool = False, refgroup: Optional[mda.AtomGroup] = None, jitter: float = 0.0, concfreq: int = 0, bin_spectrum: bool = True, startq: float = 0, endq: float = 6, dq: float = 0.1, mintheta: float = 0, maxtheta: float = 180, output: str = "sq.dat", ): self._locals = locals() super().__init__( atomgroup, unwrap=unwrap, refgroup=refgroup, jitter=jitter, concfreq=concfreq, ) self.bin_spectrum = bin_spectrum self.startq = startq self.endq = endq self.dq = dq self.mintheta = mintheta self.maxtheta = maxtheta self.output = output def _prepare(self): self.mintheta = min(self.mintheta, self.maxtheta) self.maxtheta = max(self.mintheta, self.maxtheta) if self.mintheta < 0 or self.mintheta > 180: raise ValueError(f"mintheta ({self.mintheta}°) has to between 0 and 180°.") if self.maxtheta < 0 or self.maxtheta > 180: raise ValueError(f"maxtheta ({self.maxtheta}°) has to between 0 and 180°.") if self.mintheta > self.maxtheta: raise ValueError( f"mintheta ({self.mintheta}°) larger than maxtheta ({self.maxtheta}°)." ) # Convert angles from degrees to radians self.mintheta *= np.pi / 180 self.maxtheta *= np.pi / 180 self.groups = [] self.weights = [] self.atom_types = []"\nMap the following atomtypes:") for atom_type in np.unique(self.atomgroup.types).astype(str): try: element = tables.atomtypes[atom_type] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( f"No suitable element for {atom_type!r} found. You can add " "{atom_type!r} together with a suitable element to " "'share/atomtypes.dat'." ) if element == "DUM": continue group = self.atomgroup.select_atoms("type {}*".format(atom_type)) self.groups.append(group) # Actual weights (form factors) are applied in post processing after self.weights.append(np.ones(group.n_atoms)) self.atom_types.append(atom_type)"{:>14} --> {:>5}".format(atom_type, element)) if self.bin_spectrum: self.n_bins = int(np.ceil((self.endq - self.startq) / self.dq)) else: = np.diag( mda.lib.mdamath.triclinic_vectors(self._universe.dimensions) ) self.q_factor = 2 * np.pi / self.maxn = np.ceil(self.endq / self.q_factor).astype(int) def _single_frame(self): box = np.diag(mda.lib.mdamath.triclinic_vectors(self._ts.dimensions)) if self.bin_spectrum: self._obs.struct_factor = np.zeros([self.n_bins, len(self.groups)]) else: if not np.all(box == raise ValueError( f"Dimensions in frame {self.frame_index} are different from " "initial dimenions. Can not use `bin_spectrum=False`." ) self._obs.S_array = np.zeros(list(self.maxn) + [len(self.groups)]) for i_group, group in enumerate(self.groups): # Map coordinates onto cubic cell positions = group.atoms.positions - box * np.round( group.atoms.positions / box ) q_ts, S_ts = compute_structure_factor( np.double(positions), np.double(box), self.startq, self.endq, self.mintheta, self.maxtheta, self.weights[i_group], ) S_ts *= compute_form_factor(q_ts, self.atom_types[i_group]) ** 2 if self.bin_spectrum: q_ts = q_ts.flatten() S_ts = S_ts.flatten() nonzeros = np.where(S_ts != 0)[0] q_ts = q_ts[nonzeros] S_ts = S_ts[nonzeros] struct_ts, _ = np.histogram( a=q_ts, bins=self.n_bins, range=(self.startq, self.endq), weights=S_ts, ) bincount, _ = np.histogram( a=q_ts, bins=self.n_bins, range=(self.startq, self.endq), weights=None, ) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): struct_ts /= bincount self._obs.struct_factor[:, i_group] = np.nan_to_num(struct_ts) else: self._obs.S_array[:, :, :, i_group] = S_ts def _conclude(self): if self.bin_spectrum: q = np.arange(self.startq, self.endq, self.dq) + 0.5 * self.dq nonzeros = np.where(self.means.struct_factor[:, 0] != 0)[0] scat_factor = self.means.struct_factor[nonzeros] self.results.q = q[nonzeros] self.results.scat_factor = scat_factor.sum(axis=1) else: self.results.scat_factor = self.means.S_array.sum(axis=3) self.results.q_indices = np.array(list(np.ndindex(tuple(self.maxn)))) self.results.q = np.linalg.norm( self.results.q_indices * self.q_factor[np.newaxis, :], axis=1 ) self.results.scat_factor /= self.atomgroup.n_atoms
[docs] @render_docs def save(self): """${SAVE_DESCRIPTION}""" if self.bin_spectrum: self.savetxt( self.output, np.vstack([self.results.q, self.results.scat_factor]).T, columns=["q (1/Å)", "S(q) (arb. units)"], ) else: out = np.hstack( [ self.results.q[:, np.newaxis], self.results.q_indices, self.results.scat_factor.flatten()[:, np.newaxis], ] ) nonzeros = np.where(out[:, 4] != 0)[0] out = out[nonzeros] argsort = np.argsort(out[:, 0]) out = out[argsort] boxinfo = ( "box_x = {0:.3f} Å, box_y = {1:.3f} Å, " "box_z = {2:.3f} Å\n".format(* ) self.savetxt( self.output, out, columns=[boxinfo, "q (1/Å)", "q_i", "q_j", "q_k", "S(q) (arb. units)"], )