
Whenever you add a new feature to the code you should also add a test case. Further test cases are also useful if a bug is fixed or you consider something to be worthwhile. Follow the philosophy - the more the better!

You can run all tests by:


These are exactly the same tests that will be performed online in our GitLab CI workflows.

Also, you can run individual environments if you wish to test only specific functionalities, for example

tox -e lint  # code style
tox -e build  # packaging
tox -e tests  # testing
tox -e docs  # build the documentation

You can also run only a subset of the tests with tox -e tests -- <tests/file.py>, replacing <tests/file.py> with the path to the files you want to test, e.g. tox -e tests -- tests/test_main.py for testing only the main functions. For more details take a look at the usage and invocation <https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/usage.html#usage-and-invocations> page of the pytest documentation.

You can also use tox -e format to use tox to do actual formatting instead of just testing it. Also, you may want to setup your editor to automatically apply the black code formatter when saving your files, there are plugins to do this with all major editors.